Mattresses, lumber and large bulky items are the resident’s responsibility to take to the Arnes landfill
- Not to exceed a height of 5 feet and can be opened from the front
- Must be within a distance of no more than 2 feet of the property line.
- If the stands are further than 6 feet from the curbside or the laneway, the refuse must be removed from the stand and placed 6 feet from the curbside or laneway on the day of collection.
- The stand must be maintained and kept in a satisfactory and clean condition.
Commercial refuse bins – Contact the Public Works Dept. to see if you are eligible for a commercial refuse bin. These bins are not to be used for construction waste and are not rented out.
All residents will receive pick up of compost materials, which includes bagged grass and leaves, must be contained in compostable plastic or brown paper bags. Compostable material in plastic bags will not be picked up as plastic bags are not compostable.
Tree limbs are to be in bundles no longer than 3 feet long, 4” in diameter, and no heavier than 40 pounds.
Compost will be picked up every Wednesday (and Thursday if needed) starting the third week of May (dependent on weather) and will continue weekly until the first Wednesday in November.
Bags of leaves or flax straw used for winter insulation will NOT be picked up. These materials may be disposed of at the Arnes Landfill site.
Burning of flax straw and leaves is not permitted in any residential areas in the Municipality.
For statutory and civic holidays that fall on Monday or Wednesday the pickup will occur the day after the holiday (i.e. Monday will be collected on Tuesday and Wednesday will be collected on Thursday)
After the holiday your pick up will go back to your regular day.