Its diverse role includes research, planning and prospecting to attract outside business and resources, community promotion, monitoring growth and impact, business assistance, liaison and advocacy functions to various clubs, groups and organizations.
The Gimli CDC is dedicated to our community's development in all aspects that support the growth of our economy. The Gimli CDC office can be reached at (204) 642-6697 or by fax at (204) 642-6660 or email: gimlicdc@rmgimli.com
Prime Commercial lots now available in:
Gimli Busines Park (lots starting at $10,000)
Please phone 642-6697 for more information
Business people establishing enterprises in the Gimli area have the potential to obtain financial assistance and consulting advice from a wide range of government agencies. They should start by contacting the Interlake agency - Community Futures East Interlake in Riverton.
Community Futures East Interlake, funded by the federal government, helps Eastern Interlake communities develop their economies and also has a division that provides loans and advice to individual businesses. If this agency can't provide the solution to a problem, they can introduce business people to officials of other government programs that may be of help. Businesses, for example, may want to tap Ottawa's Western Economic Diversification Program, the Manitoba Government's Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) program and the province's Grow Bonds program.
Here are other government assistance programs that may be applicable:
Province of Manitoba - Feasibility study assistance, manufacturing adaptation program, small business start-up, environmental industry development initiative, cooperative loans and loan guarantees, Workforce 2000.
Government of Canada - Small business loans act, program for export market development, industrial research assistance program, Canada job strategy programs and the advanced manufacturing technology application program.