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Utility Services

Municipal Sewer Service
Available in areas of the RM of Gimli including the Urban Centre (former town area), Aspen Park, Industrial Park, Pelican Beach, Gimli Business Park, Loni Beach, South Beach, Centre Avenue West, Autumnwood, Kings Park Estates, PR 231 between PTH 9 & Solvin Rd, Gimli Park Road between PTH 9 & PTH 8, Odin Green, Siglvaik, Miklavik, Husavik and properties along the east side of PTH 9 up to Husavik Road, Rails End and along PR 222 north to Aurora Recovery Center.
Municipal Water Service
Available in the Urban Centre (former town area), Aspen Park, Industrial Park, Pelican Beach, Gimli Business Park, and in the Autumnwood subdivision.

Gimli residents that are not connected to municipal water / sewer have private wells and private sewage disposal systems which are governed by the province.
Outhouses (pit privies) are not permitted in the Municipality, while composting / outdoor toilets with approved pump-out holding tanks are. For more information see the By-law to Regulate Private Sewer Systems below.
Future plans include extending the municipal sewer system south to Sandy Hook.

Utility Bills

Utility bills are issued quarterly for properties serviced by municipal water and/or sewer.  The bills are calculated according to the most recent Water & Wastewater Utility Rate By-law.  You can view By-Law 21-0002 here. By-Law 21-0003 with rates effective July 1, 2022 can be viewed here.
Bills are mailed out in April, July, October and January for the preceding three months.

*NEW eBill* - You can now set up eBilling for your utility bills. Click here to set up your account through our eCommerce website view your utility bills each quarter. You will need your account number and pin number to sign up (pin number is located on your bill in the left top corner under the RM of Gimli address). Click here for instructions to set up eBilling

Penalties of 1.25% shall be levied on all accounts that remain unpaid after the due date stated on the bill. Penalties are applied on the 1st of each month. The RM of Gimli adds all outstanding utility accounts to the tax roll twice a year, in May and November.


Utility bills can be paid by telephone/internet banking, in person at your bank, or at the RM of Gimli Office at 62 2nd Avenue by way of cash, cheque or debit. You may also leave post-dated cheques. We also have a secure drop box located in our front door.
We accept e-transfers! Our email address is, make sure to include your address or account number in the comments of the e-transfer; please also send your security answer in a separate email. E-transfer payments will not be accepted without the security answer
There is an option to pay by credit card here which has a 3.5% user fee applied to each transaction.
You may also sign up to be on the preauthorized payment plan. Download the Pre-authorized payment plan form here and send it along with a void cheque to the RM of Gimli office to have the plan added to your account. 
Utility Rates
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) has approved wastewater and water rates for the RM of Gimli effective April 1, 2025 and April 1, 2026.
Board Order 30/25 - Gimli Wastewater Utility
Board Order 31/25 - Gimli Amalgamated Water Utility
Rural Municipality of Gimli Interim Surcharge - Effective 2013 

The Public Utilities Board approved an utility surcharge to recover the debenture servicing costs for sewer renewal projects for the Gimli Urban Center, the Gimli Business Park and Aspen Park located in the Rural Municipality of Gimli. 
The new surcharge was effective October 1, 2013 and will be in effect for the length of the debenture, ending September 30, 2033. This surcharge began on the 4th quarter billing dated December 31, 2013. 
The flat rate based on residential equivalency rates (REU’s) are set out as follows: Gimli Urban Centre $16.91/quarterly; Gimli Business Park $1.62/ quarterly; Aspen Park $26.60/quarterly.
Residential accounts are one REU; commercial account REU’s are calculated on their average consumption over the past years.   
Utility Debenture Surcharge Effective 2021 
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) granted approval of a utility debenture surcharge to recover debenture servicing costs for the Water Treatment Plant and distribution system upgrade at a rate of $0.43/cubic meter.  The new surcharge is effective January 1/2021 and will be in effect for the length of the debenture ending in 2040.  The rate of $0.43/cubic meter is to be charged on actual consumption on all metered customers and based on estimated consumption of 118.15 cubic meters per year for unmetered customers.
View PUB Order No. 5/21here, varied by Order No. 16/21 here.
Water Treatment Plant and Distribution System Upgrade By-Law No. 16-0013,
Amended by By-Law No. 20-0005.
Selling or Buying property in the RM of Gimli?
If your property is connected to the municipal water & sewer system please arrange to have a final bill processed when you sell.  If you are purchasing a home in an area serviced by municipal water & sewer please call 204-642-6668 to set an account up in your name.

Utility Billing Inquiries:

62 2nd Avenue, Gimli
Ph: (204) 642-6668
Fax: (204) 642-6660
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Maintenance/Public Works:

Ph: (204) 642-6688
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm