Online Short-Term Rental Licence Application & Payments
To make your local STR license application and payments easier, the Rural Municipality of Gimli, Canada has partnered with Localgov. This service facilitates secure and convenient online applications and payments. Now you can submit and manage your STR licencing from the comfort of your home or business.
Starting July 26, 2024, Gimli’s Short-Term Rental Licence Application Form will be available to submit on Localgov.
Localgov offers licence applicants in our community significant advantages, such as:
- Secure processing that keeps your data safe.
- COMING SOON - Multiple payment options, including ACH/EFT drafts, credit and debit card payments.
- Payments can be made when you have time—not only during government hours.
- No need for paper forms, envelopes, checks, or stamps.
- Help is available when you need it.
Helpful Resources to Get Started:
- Set up your online account here: It takes just a few minutes to get started, set up payments, and get current with your licence applications. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Localgov Customer Service at (877) 842-3037 or
- Schedule a training with Localgov Customer Service and we’ll walk you through how to register and submit your first application form:
- Bookmark the Localgov Help Center:
- Need help submitting your forms on Localgov? Click on the links below to access some helpful resources.
How to Submit Your Short-Term Rental Licence Application Form on Localgov
- Create your free Localgov account and sign into your portal:
- Go to the ‘Submit Forms’ page and search for the government’s name.
- Select the application you wish to submit.
- Once you have submitted your application, the government will review your application and notify you when it has been approved or rejected.
Short-Term Rental Licence Requirements
Overview & Definitions
The Council for the Rural Municipality of Gimli mandates a licence for Short-Term Rentals (STRs) to ensure safe operation and occupancy, minimize negative impacts on neighbors and neighborhoods, support the tourism industry and local businesses, ensure cost recovery through licensing fees, and achieve high levels of voluntary compliance.
- Applicant: The owner or principal tenant of a dwelling unit who applies for an STR licence.
- Dwelling Unit: One or more rooms in a building designed for occupancy as a single housekeeping unit with cooking, eating, living, sleeping, and sanitary facilities, including:
- Single-Family Dwelling
- Seasonal Cottage
- Secondary Suite
- Condominium Unit
- Apartment Unit
- Mobile Home
- Enforcement Officer: The designated officer appointed by the municipality to enforce by-laws.
- Legal Bedroom: A room designed for sleeping that meets all Manitoba Building Code requirements, including egress, number of windows, and ceiling height.
- Licensee: The person to whom an STR licence has been issued.
- Owner: The registered owner(s) of the property at the Winnipeg Land Titles Office under The Real Property Act C.C.S.M. c. R30.
- Parcel: The land on which a dwelling unit is situated.
- Person: An individual, corporation, firm, partnership, club, association, or company.
- Principal Tenant: The person entitled to occupy a rental unit under a tenancy agreement with the owner, for a term of no less than one year, under The Residential Tenancies Act C.C.S.M. c. R119.
- STR: The use, offer, or advertising for lease, rent, or barter, of all or part of a dwelling unit for temporary accommodation for less than 30 days.
- STR Licence: The certificate issued to an applicant authorizing the use of a dwelling unit for a STR.
- STR Officer: The designated officer appointed by the municipality to administer the by-law.
- STR Platform: A website or app that lists and manages bookings, reservations, or rentals of a dwelling unit for short-term use and collects fees for the licensee.
- Zoning By-law: Gimli’s current Zoning By-law.
Requirement for STR Licence and Application Process
- No person shall use a dwelling unit for an STR in Gimli without an STR licence.
- The requirement for an STR licence applies to any dwelling unit used for an STR, including those with pre-existing rental contracts.
- The owner or principal tenant of a dwelling unit may apply for an STR licence.
- A licence is required for each dwelling unit used as an STR.
- Complete the online application form through Localgov and upload the necessary supporting documents.
- Pay the licence fee.
Annual STR Licence Fee
- The applicant must pay a $200 licence fee per property. This fee is not refundable.
Terms of STR Licence
- Valid from issuance until the end of the calendar year (starting January 1st and expiring December 31st).
- Renewed annually
Posting STR Licence
- The licensee must display the STR licence prominently inside the dwelling unit for the entire term of the licence.
Resources & Support
If you need technical support while registering on Localgov, please reach out to Localgov Customer Service at or call (877) 842-3037. To review the Rural Municipality of Gimli’s STR By-law, requirements, checklist and FAQ’s, see below.
Please register all complaints through our E-service Request page.
Accommodation Tax
The Accommodation Tax By-law requires provincial approval before it is implemented. Once approved, revenues will be collected and placed in a fund to promote and support local tourism, recreation, and leisure initiatives and develop and improve the municipal waterfront areas. “This is an exciting step forward for our community,” says Mayor Kevin Chudd. “Accommodation taxes have been common in Manitoba for many years; one difference is this tax is typically applied only to hotels, whereas Gimli will be applying it to short-term accommodation as well. This is a first in Manitoba.”
The accommodation tax shall be implemented and charged on all accommodations beginning one month after The Accommodation Tax By-law # 23-0012 takes full force and effect, upon approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, but no earlier than July 1, 2024.
Click here to view the STR By-law 23-0011
Click here to view the Accommodation Tax By-law 23-0012
Click here to view the Checklist
Click here to view the Manitoba Building Code