The property tax and business tax statements are mailed out in June and are payable on the last business day of August.
Taxes are assessed from January 1st to December 31st of the current year.
All outstanding balances are charged a penalty of 1.25% per month on the 1st of every month until the balance is paid in full. The annual rate of interest the Municipality charges is 15%.
If you do not receive a property or business tax statement please contact the Municipal Office at (204) 642-6650. It is the property owner’s responsibility to notify the Municipal office of mailing address changes.
If you have purchased or sold property please check with your solicitor to see who is responsible for tax payment.
The property owner's name and address which appears on the tax statement is in accordance with the latest information which has been made available to the municipality. If, however, any ownership change has since occurred, please forward the bill to the current owner or return it immediately to the municipal office with an explanation. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse an owner from responsibility for payment of taxes nor relieve that owner from liability for any late payment penalty.
Please be advised we now have a mail slot on the door of our building. The current year’s taxes must be received by the Municipality on the last business day of August during business hours or they will be considered late and will be assessed a penalty at the rate listed above. We do not accept postmarks.
If you are a business owner and you have closed your business or have relocated please report to the Selkirk Assessment office at telephone number 1-866-262-9786.
Board of Revision
Board of Revision is held annually to hear assessment appeals filed in accordance with s. 42(1) of The Municipal Assessment Act and s. 328(1) of The Municipal Act. Appeals may be filed as a result of the imposition of supplementary taxes, or for revision of the assessment roll that is being prepared for the coming tax year. Board of Revision for the RM of Gimli is typically scheduled in November of each year. Please contact the Municipality for the deadline for accepting appeals for each year.
If you have questions or concerns with respect to your assessment or how to appeal your assessment please contact the Selkirk Assessment office at telephone number 1-866-262-9786.